
Tocustomizesoundfrequenciesfordifferentmusicgenres,clicktheEQbuttontoopentheequalizer,tickthecheckbox,andchooseapresetfromthedrop-down ...,2022年4月27日—Theanswerisprobablyno,IseemtorecallthatbasicallyUSBeverythingisdeprecatedinDSM.However,youcouldabsolutelyrouteanyUSB ...,2017年8月5日—IIRCtherearenosounddriversinFreeNAS.SosounddriversonthehostmeansnosoundtopassthroughtoVM's.TrueNAS13.0-U6.1,2...

Play Music | Audio Station - Knowledge Center

To customize sound frequencies for different music genres, click the EQ button to open the equalizer, tick the checkbox, and choose a preset from the drop-down ...

Are usb sound cards still working with 7.x versions?

2022年4月27日 — The answer is probably no, I seem to recall that basically USB everything is deprecated in DSM. However, you could absolutely route any USB ...


2017年8月5日 — IIRC there are no sound drivers in FreeNAS. So sound drivers on the host means no sound to pass through to VM's. TrueNAS 13.0-U6.1

Volumio as VM on Synology DS 918+ does not work properly

2021年3月27日 — Today, I wanted to integrate Volumio into my Synology NAS. Unfortunately, the sound is garbeled even though the same same setup with a Raspi ...

Synology Ubuntu VM no sound when running

2021年1月26日 — Install a virtual machine running Ubuntu 20.01.1.LTS. When running the session and trying to play sound nothing works.

Can a VM easily have sound?

2023年5月1日 — The short question is, if I run a VM on my Synology NAS, can I heard any sound on my MacBook that is look at the VM?

Windows 10

2019年5月6日 — Hi gang, VM Manager, remote session on a Windows 10 VM, latest updates, all is good. Now the only thing missing is sound I get this in W10: ...

Audio not transmitted from Windows virtual machine to host ...

2022年12月12日 — Is it possible that Synology doesn't produce a comprehensive guide and its own drivers to enable sound on windows emulations? Or is there and I ...